Cultivating a Loving Space

Cultivating a Loving Space

You might say that the first thing that ought to be done is to cultivate, to create a loving space in your life, right?

And that might be more difficult than it appears, because we have so many ideas and concepts, concepts around that, around the idea of what love is and a loving space might be.

And it sounds hocus-pocus and it sounds spiritual and it sounds like something really important. It sounds sanctimonious and it sounds like just one of those other gimmicks. And so you’re going to immediately have issues there, many will. And we’ll not even hear what is being said here, because it all will just sound like more self-help bullshit.

So then of course there is no loving space. There’s only noise, there’s only judgment, there’s only questions, there’s only concerns and doubt and fears and suspicions and distrust of various forms and levels.

The loving space is something one creates for yourself. It’s not something that anyone can do for you. And it’s very simple. There’s nothing to it.

It is just to find the space between two thoughts, that’s all. It’s to recognize that all the noise of the world, all the performance of the mind, all the perception, all the feeling, all of it, all that you see as real comes out of a silence. It comes out of nothing.

And if you can see that and if you can locate it and you can touch it, and you don’t need to touch it for long, you can’t touch it for long, you touch it for an infinitesimal moment really because the moment there’s time there’s perception, right? You touch that, you touch on the silence and there’s love.

“Silence”, “love” – it’s the same. “I don’t know,” – it’s the same. Life is a mystery, an entire mystery. There’s nothing known. “Humility,” it’s the same. It’s all love. This is a loving space. And if you can inhabit that space, you can begin to see what’s really going on. Until then, you don’t see what’s here. You only see what the mind tells you and what your habits have, want you to believe. You are suffering your experience.