So You Want To Be Free?

At some point you might get tired of the game that promises but never delivers. That promises a certain happiness without sadness,
At some point you might get tired of the game that promises but never delivers. That promises a certain happiness without sadness,
You see the mind, it’s a labyrinth, right? A closed circuit labyrinth from which there is no escape. Because of the very
Every conclusion is a gross simplification of the truth, of the reality. Most of life involves simplification. The mind cannot compute reality
One of the beautiful gifts that came to me, some day, some time, I don’t remember where it first hit me, is
Love. You know, it’s if not the most important word, one of the most important words that exists in any language and
For all the talk of distinctions that we love to draw between this person and that person, this group and that group,
Love freezes time. When time freezes, whatever was fickle and changes, becomes unchanging. Problems become irrelevant.
The whole world as we know it is just the thoughts and feelings inside our heads. Like, when you miss someone or dream about visiting a place, that’s all part of the story you’re living. It’s a story that’s been going on forever, and it’s beautiful. But we confuse life with the “story” we tell about life!
Can we see beyond what the mind tells us? It might sound esoteric and vague, but the answer closer to you than your own nose.